Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wedding in Planning

Mee Mee married Teofukina!

The happy couple registered their marriage somewhen last month, as detailed by Bee Ree here, and the eager bride is now engaged in full-time research into the world of wedding planning, for everything from make-up to photographers.

She shared some of her research output with me today, and I (who happen to be in a very sour mood right now... gah!) saw the following which irritated me to no end.

What is Malaysia Brides? Shouldn't this be Malaysian Brides? And what's more... some of the members liberally and indiscreetly use the abbreviation "ROM" (which I understand to be registration of marriage or read-only memory) in every absurd way imaginable - "we are ROM already", "you guys just ROM", "when you already ROM", "you have ROM or not?" etc. You get the idea.

Do you see what I see? Are you thinking the same as I am? Isle - an island. Aisle - which you walk down when you get married in a church. Do they really mean to convey the meaning island of nuptials? Or isolated land of marriages? I hardly think so. Look at their bridal images and you'll see there's a style called "glamoures". To think they charge RM500 - 1000 per make-up package and they can't afford a spellcheck! Gah!

I hope I will be writing more on Mee Mee's upcoming wedding, and I hope the posts will be more romantic. Gah!!

(I just realised this post has a title-content mismatch! Gah!!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor neelee... I wanted to show you the site to sweeten ur sour mood ya know.

:P Meemee