Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This has the significance of being the first movie I'd sought out because it was the one the music for Sarah's No One Like You was composed for. It has long been a favourite of favourites of mine, and I thought a movie from which such a beautifully haunting piece came, must be beautifully haunting as well. Well, I've been known to be wrong countless times before, so what's once more?

I find the film pretty awful - read the synopsis here - for though I find the idea of a misunderstood, outcast, extraordinary individual with supernatural abilities very appealing and somewhat romantic, the execution of that idea is a letdown. For one, Powder, the protagonist, is extremely underdeveloped and his incredible intellectual ability, in my opinion, isn't exploited quite enough in the plot. The social worker lady - at least I think she's a social worker - is a rather shallow character and therefore inconsequential and forgettable. The sheriff - I don't even know why he's there - and the sub-plot about his wife (who I thought was comatose, but could apparently cry and sob - but couldn't open her eyes - when Powder was communicating her thoughts to her husband) is just weird. The other teenagers who bullied Powder for being different never actually learned to appreciate his being, or learned acceptance, which, although cliche, I feel is important at the conclusion of the movie. And the "love interest"... what love interest?

For the very first time indeed, I found myself focusing on the background music all-throughout the movie. I am definitely partial, but I don't think it is outrageous to say that the best thing about Powder is the soundtrack. For without, I probably wouldn't have sat through nearly two hours of it.

So, yea, I wouldn't recommend the film... but do listen to the song, if you can find it on YouTube =P

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