From a whole pot of the plant, I took three stems and placed them into my glass bowl. It took some weeks for the roots to grow, but grow they did! And it took more months to notice new leaves growing, but flourish they did! I left them in the care of a very kind colleague for some months and they continued to grow - leaves and roots alike. And for a couple of years they were there, on the highest shelf on my workdesk. Then the inevitable happened.
The leaves began yellowing and withering at the edges - there was nothing I could do (all right, I have had cacti that withered and died under my care, but that's a different story). Slowly, the smallest plant withered completely and I had to have it removed. Then, it happened to the second one. All its leaves turned brown and fell off (sort of like what trees do in autumn, but there are no seasons here in my office). And the remaining one - at the time of "death" of the second one to go - it still had lots of green leaves with brown edges. I trimmed the leaves, in hope that new ones will grow, but none did. It just stayed like that for a long time. And finally, when I saw that there is no hope that the poor thing could survive...
It is not quite appropriate to talk about my new plant in the requiem for my old one... (it's in a ceramic egg, and it will flower!) ahem. I will always miss my plant. Rest in peace.
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